The Belfry WebComics Index

Buddies in Big Places

CID:1208 Subscriptions:97Readers this Week:70
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Furry, Gay-Lesbian-TG, Parody or Satire, Political, Romance
Description*:A furry soap opera set in the fictional land of Cumbria. Many of the characters have some linkages. By reading through BiBP you'll get almost something for everyone; comedy, drama, romance, even sex! Everything except, well, color drawings.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
V Graphic Violence
X Explicit (NC-17)
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Entry Added:Sat, Jan 4, 2003
Entry Modified:Tue, May 5, 2009
Entry Managed by:sethtriggs

Reviews: 3   Average Rating:

11:03am 07/14/2014
Sketchy art, good but not always great storytelling.
The sketchy quality of the artwork is inconsistent with the many years that this strip has been regularly updated. The reader would expect that the artist would have refined his style by now. That aside, many of the stories in this soap opera, set in a fictional monarchy with strong hints of Canada, can be thought-provoking and entertaining. Sometimes, unfortunately, they can also feel dragged out.
09:30am 08/18/2012
The characters are one-dimensional and boring. The stories are predictable and depressing. And 4000 strips after the start, the art has not improved.

I keep having the same thought over and over: "this doesn't make sense". And on at least one occasion, I had to suppress a gag reflex during an arc.

Exploring the depth of this comic is like exploring the depth of a pile of shit. You will just end up feeling dirty and asking yourself why you wanted to look closer in the first place.
04:43pm 05/12/2009
Buddies in Big Places
Buddies in Big Places
By Seth Triggs

This is a comic that revolves around the lives of furs in Cumbria. And there are some very colorful characters. Some you come to love, others you'll come to hate and some will leave you staring at the screen going..WTF just happened?!

Upon first glance on this comic, you might think the art is crap, and the story sucks...But if you look deeper you'll see something rather unique. You'll see a glimpse into another world not that different from our own.

And then a very interesting thing will occur. You'll become attached to the characters, you'll start to care about what happens to them..and then, before you know it. You're hooked!

Give it a read, and remember, not everything has to have bells and whistles to kick some serious ass!

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