The Belfry WebComics Index

Suburban Jungle Classic, The

CID:147 Subscriptions:234Readers this Week:2
Genres:Comedy, Drama, Furry, Romance
Description*:One of two furry comics created by John Robey ("NeverNever" being the other), "The Suburban Jungle" is the story of aspiring supermodel Tiffany Tiger. The strip focuses on Tiff's family, friends and attempts to make her dream of stardom a reality. The strip first appeared on the web on February 1, 1999.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
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Affiliations:Member of KeenSpot.
Entry Added:Sat, Sep 9, 2000
Entry Modified:Mon, May 13, 2013

Reviews: 1   Average Rating:

06:01am 08/30/2011
juuuuuuust good enough
Impressive archive, "completed" story, passable plots, and a couple of good characters. The art makes up for much of this comic's weaknesses. This comic is strangely appealing. If you get through 50 comics, you will probably go all the way. It tries sooooo hard to be realistic, and falls juuuust short. And then it jumps off the deep end and tries to get back to the story you care about. It drags at times, and has some pull-your-hair-out moments, but in the end, I am glad I read the whole thing. Heck, I liked it enough to write a review so if this didn't scare you off, give it a go.
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