The Belfry WebComics Index

MS Paint Adventures

CID:16012 Subscriptions:53Readers this Week:1
Frequency:On Hiatus
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Gaming, Parody or Satire, Science Fiction
Description*:Utterly bizarre comic that defies true description. Fueled by reader suggestions for our heroes next moves, the first story follows the adventures of a group of PI's engaged in 'weird puzzle shit' to escape the confines of their offices. The current storyline involves a group of kids who are playing a game which is far more than it at first seems...

As the title may suggest, created entirely in Adobe Photoshop (and now also Flash).

Advice to new readers: If you want panel-to-panel laughs, start with the story "Problem Sleuth", if you prefer more story driven comics, read the current comic "Homestuck" first. The other two comics ("Bard Quest" and "Jailbreak") should be read at any point after you become familiar with the format (there are some in-jokes you will miss if you don't read them, but they are not as high quality as the other stories).
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Sat, Jan 31, 2009
Entry Modified:Sat, Apr 16, 2016
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