The Belfry WebComics Index

Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire

CID:1621 Subscriptions:353Readers this Week:80
Genres:Action-Adventure, Drama, Fantasy, Horror, Romance
Description*:Dominic, a seer in a small town, deals with ignorant townsfolk and tells their fortunes - until he becomes embroiled in something far more sinister.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
V Graphic Violence
X Explicit (NC-17)
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Entry Added:Wed, Jun 4, 2003
Entry Modified:Sat, Nov 11, 2023

Reviews: 2   Average Rating:

09:33pm 06/09/2009
One of my favs
I've been reading DD for years now. I keep reading it for the engaging storyline, female characters that are actually believable, and a fun little part of my day.

It's long as hell, but the archives are worth going through. I like getting to see Mookie's progression in style, growing confidence in storyline, and growth of the characters.

A fun, but sometimes very serious, magical romp.
05:00am 03/02/2009
Ugh, I defy you to describe this in one sentence...
Dominic Deegan is quite the comic strip.
There are lots of puns and other such silly word games, especially by his cat. I enjoyed some of the arcs, and some were painful.
The comic does deal with rape. It made me sick, I stopped reading the comic for a few days because of his treatment of the subject. I am so grateful that I continued reading, because my disappointment WAS partially allayed eventually. Still, it leaves a taint.
(Note: I am being charitable, there are 4 forums full of bitter people)
The magic is loosely defined, so has few contradictions, and it is not really the focus. It serves as a bonus to the relationship stories which are the primary focus of the comic, and they are the reason this is worth reading.
The art never improves. The author is content with mediocrity, and the pace is quite slow for a daily-updating work.
I read the whole thing because I liked the story and the primary characters. If you are looking for anything else, move along.
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