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CID:16486 Subscriptions:19
Genres:Drama, Fantasy, Furry, Mystery or Noir
Description*:SouthBrook is a sleepy little town, an escape from whatever ails you...or is it? Inhabitants slowly find as they live there that the town is pushing them towards their worst fears and phobias, sometimes even the very pasts they have run away from. In dreams and in life, the town leads them on, urging them to do...something. No one is sure what. But is the town trying to help them? Or destroy them from the inside out?
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
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Entry Added:Fri, Jun 19, 2009
Entry Modified:Sun, Apr 19, 2015

Reviews: 1   Average Rating:

05:32am 09/26/2010
Intriguing and well written (Some spoilers)
More and more of late I've found that it has become increasingly difficult to find a comic that I haven't read or enjoyed, and even then many of the good ones update sporadically or none at all.

But here I've found a delightfully well balanced comic. Drawn in either greyscale or full color via markers, the art is fantastically consistent and pleasing to the eye. Everything is well proportioned in form and detail. No copy and pastes, and the art medium is traditional. I can read emotions and tell the characters apart. All of this helps the story read easier.

The story revolves around Aunoria, a canine anthro who suffers from Agoraphobia. Read: Afraid of wide open spaces. She cannot even walk to the neighbors home without breaking into a cold sweat, so to speak. In one scene she finds herself suddenly in the open, and she passes flat out. The scene was very powerful, and I could sense the vertigo and terror she was feeling with it all. It was then I realized that I was not just reading a comic, I was experiencing the story of Aunoria. When I can move from simply reading to experiencing a visual narrative, I can honestly say that I'm hooked and have become just another rabid fan.

Now, the real kicker that sucks me into this comic is that the town is somehow all connected, more or less in the dream world. Eerie hints and lines of dialogue make you understand that something much, much more is going on. It's almost like a Steven King novel, but with furries and art. She's taken normal people with interesting flaws, and has thrown them into something deeper... The town of SouthBrook.

Seeing as this comic is only a few months old, there's but a small amount read. But the artist updates frequently, and won't keep us waiting.

In the end, there's only two tidbits that I would like to see fixed. And even then they're not really "complaints".

First and second, I'd love to see more color strips, and less of the single "Day Markers". The color seems to be more exclusive to the dream sequences, while black and white is the normal everyday stuff. A bit backwards, but only in my opinion. As for the "Day Markers", I can see how they're necessary to make it seem less slice of life and more like a traditional story. And it does this well. This comic will give you a sense of surrealism and it is definitely worth a read.
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