The Belfry WebComics Index

Desmond's Comic

CID:16866 Subscriptions:7
Genres:Comedy, Furry
Description*:The story of a wolverine who stars as the main character of the very popular video game SNAP GRABBEM. You can almost say that he plays the "Pikachu" character of this video game. The world of Desmond's comic takes you behind the scenes of making such a game.

In the making of this game, readers watch as Desmond tries to keep up with a hectic life of travel, performing and promoting. Desmond is joined by his fellow video game characters: Devil-Bunny, a feisty rabbit with bat wings, and Ernie, a pun-spouting lamp.

On Desmond's days off, he likes to spend time at his beach house in Northern Michigan with his two best friends. Nigel Black is a worm that lives inside a Zombie's brain. Jerry is an angry carrot who likes to cause trouble. As an example of the trouble that Jerry like to cause, when Desmond takes his first trip to promote SNAP GRABBEM, a series of events eventually leaves Jerry with a full grown orca in Desmond's beach mansion.

Desmond's comic is a zany comedy that shows the high cost of fame and the dangers of having "good" friends.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Wed, Oct 21, 2009
Entry Modified:Sun, Jul 3, 2016
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