The Belfry WebComics Index


CID:17110 Subscriptions:0
Genres:Comedy, Furry, Science Fiction
Description*:In the artist's words:

"Originally, Inconsistent was a personal project of mine. A comic alternating between three panel strips and full pages that consisted of random one-offs, short story arcs, crude and slapstick humor, and fourth wall jokes set in a slightly futuristic, furry, and black and white world.

It featured two main characters, cousins in fact. Miles, an astute and enthusiastic nice guy (works in a grocery store). And Joseph, a quiet, yet sometimes sociopathical, smoker (works futuristic tank factory.)

The art wasn't all that great back then either.

Now... absolutely nothing has changed. The comic is, as it is! Updating no more than thrice and no less than twice a week, I've pretty much vowed to do at least one thing with this comic, if nothing else...

Have fun with it. "
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
Entry Added:Wed, Jan 13, 2010
Entry Modified:Wed, Jul 3, 2013
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