The Belfry WebComics Index

Dark Side of the Horse

CID:18222 Subscriptions:10Readers this Week:11
Genres:Comedy, Furry
Description*:Behold, an un-pale horse with no name. Oh, wait. His name is Horace. And he’s sarcastic. And silly. And lives in an infinitely expandable world. And sometimes gets slapstuck. And day after unpredictable day he boldly goes where no horse -- let alone a comic strip -- has gone before. Yes, there are sidekicks; a bird, a lady horse, a never-seen neighbor. And if the post-it note did not exist, Samson would have had to invent it so Horace would have yellow panels in which to play. Welcome to the bright side of the world. May the horse be with you.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Mon, Dec 13, 2010
Entry Modified:Mon, Dec 13, 2010
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