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CID:18310 Subscriptions:40Readers this Week:20
Genres:Comedy, Science Fiction
Description*:Tells the story of a second Spanish empire, a galactic empire, and its looming war with a race called "The Continuum of Makers". Humanity has built their empire using technology stolen from the Makers - and these creatures want it back with an almost religious fervor.
In the brewing war, it's clear that humanity will lose, and lose badly, unless they can find some advantage in battle. That hope arrives in the form of a tiny, mysterious creature who can drive a starship like no one's ever seen. Now all humanity needs to do... is find 10,000 more pilots just like him. But no one knows where he's from.

We follow the crew of the scout ship Machito, who have been press-ganged into a unique mission by an Emperor they despise: Find this mysterious race, or the empire…ends.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Fri, Jan 7, 2011
Entry Modified:Mon, Jun 29, 2015

Reviews: 1   Average Rating:

05:11am 10/17/2011
Why hadn't I heard of this before?!
What a find! True it only updates once a week and it starts in late 2009 so the archives aren't huge, but this is solid!
It has a unique story in a beautiful world of very well defined aliens of multiple species. The story is the primary element, but then outstanding humor comes out of left field. Our protagonists are not a sharp looking bunch, and you love them for their foibles.
Created by the veteran creator of "sheldon"
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