The Belfry WebComics Index

Gallery of Freaks, The

CID:18338 Subscriptions:1
Genres:Comedy, Drama, Parody or Satire
Description*:Described by a critic as:

One of the rarest of the rare comics I have come across due to it being all of the following: Entertaining, Amusing, Educational, thought provoking, Random and real-as-life. Not many comics are photo-based, and the fact the pictures are modified to resemble comic-esque images is quite remarkable. The humor is over the line without being politically incorrect and the jokes are based on real-life scenarios that most people can relate to. The "description of the loner" segment showed that the comic was more than just a means to entertain, but that logic is clearly present in the series. I could find nothing wrong with this series whatsoever and highly recommend it to anyone who enjoys comics that are humorous and thought provoking.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Entry Added:Sun, Jan 16, 2011
Entry Modified:Thu, Jul 7, 2016
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