The Belfry WebComics Index


CID:18723 Subscriptions:86Readers this Week:2
Genres:Comedy, Furry, Spiritual
Description*:A four-panel look into the life of a fox and other occasional animal friends. Very nice art and often very poignant.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Wed, Apr 27, 2011
Entry Modified:Thu, Jul 13, 2023

Reviews: 2   Average Rating:

01:34am 05/08/2011
cute fluff!
No real content, but worth it anyways!
08:34pm 04/28/2011
StupidFox: Where to even begin...
I'm gonna keep this short, since so much could be said about Stupid Fox, and it still wouldn't be enough. The title makes it sound a lot more satirical/derogatory than it really is. This is a lighthearted, four-panel (or one big one) comic with a very simplistic style and good art. It is simple humor: most of the strips don't even have dialogue, and yet they still manage to crack me up. I'm not even a big fan of gag-a-day comics (I prefer storylines), but this one is a must-read. If I had to try, I'd say that this comic comines elements from Garfield, The Family Circus, and Calvin & Hobbes, except with much less dialogue. That probably isn't a perfect description, but the comic is better than I make it sound. Hope you all enjoy!
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