The Belfry WebComics Index

Doomsday, My Dear

CID:18751 Subscriptions:14Readers this Week:2
Genres:Action-Adventure, Drama, Horror, Mystery or Noir, Political
Description*:A darkly-themed story about survival in a police state in a plague-infested world.

By Cami Woodruff, the former artist of FUR WILL FLY.

(Please note - in the process of transitioning - may be offline for a short period.)
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Thu, May 5, 2011
Entry Modified:Sat, Apr 22, 2023

Reviews: 1   Average Rating:

05:41am 05/06/2016
The Fantastic Cami Woodruff
It has been a wonderful privilege over the last fifteen years to see the blossoming of talent in the incredible Cami Woodruff. A younger teenager when she began contributing to FUR WILL FLY, she is now a professional animator and a storyboard artist for the television series ARCHER.

DOOMSDAY, MY DEAR is an ongoing graphic novel concerning a alternate-recent-history England, in which a certain genetic mutation has caused widespread social and political ripples. At first glance it appears to be strongly inspired by V FOR VENDETTA (The graphic novel, not the movie), but the details and the focus are very different. There is no central protagonist; instead, the story is told through an array of viewpoint characters. There is a strong-willed character with nearly superhuman fighting skills, but unlike the mysterious V with his hatered of government intrusion, Cyril Young is a self-absorbed asshole who hates everyone but Simon and Garfunkle and who agrees to lead a band of insurrectionists out of ego and revenge. The stuttering Abner Kecket is a passive non-hero, needing to be rescued on a regular basis. The Prime Minister, Narissa Gillingham, appears to be ambitious and villainous, but her motivations and plans are unclear. Other characters are presented with hidden depths and flawed personalities. This concentration on characterization lifts DOOMSDAY above other post-apocalyptic fiction.

Ms. Woodruff's storytelling and artistic skills are on wonderful display throughout this 400+ page (so far!) series. The creator describes it as a form of storyboard; if so, one can see why she was chosen to join the story team on an Emmy-award winning series.

I am certain that she will appear someday soon at the Academy Awards as a nominee for Best Animated Short Film.
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