The Belfry WebComics Index

Sky Terror of Weng Hu

CID:21517 Subscriptions:37Readers this Week:5
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Furry, Historical, Science Fiction
Description*:It’s 1935, six years since Charles Lindbergh, Robert Goddard and Hannibal Tesla became the first men to walk on the Moon. Ace reporter Ginger DuPree has been sent to the Goddard Space Station orbiting Earth to do a story on a planned expedition to Mars...

An off-handed tribute to the days of science-fiction movie serials.

* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
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Entry Added:Sat, Feb 8, 2014
Entry Modified:Sun, May 30, 2021
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