The Belfry WebComics Index

Drake Equation, The

CID:21558 Subscriptions:14
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction
Description*:Leigh James is an associate professor of exobiology at the University of Copenhagen in 2258. Tenure is as rare as ever, and research funding for unglamorous fields even more so.

Exobiology is distinctly less popular than it was when people began discovering extra-terrestrial worlds—especially considering that none of them have yielded super advanced civilizations. Furthermore, planets with even a little bit of lichen are off limits for development, irritating a galaxy brimming with itinerant asteroid miners and lunar colonists yearning for an open sky.

Taking on a couple of graduate students, an engineer, and a little something the university won’t let her leave behind, Leigh manages to secure a research vessel and sets out to fund her expedition on her own… even if it means breaking a few rules.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Tue, Mar 4, 2014
Entry Modified:Thu, Jul 7, 2016
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