The Belfry WebComics Index

Earth in a Pocket

CID:25036 Subscriptions:4
Genres:Comedy, Science Fiction
Description*:Anthropologist-turned-astronaut Halisi Mwangi's lifelong mission is to bring the past to the stars. After years of planning she blasts off into space in a rocket brimming with carefully chosen priceless antiquities designed to reconnect space colonists to their cultural heritage back on Earth.

One unexpected malfunction later, however, and Halisi is space-shipwrecked on a strange alien world. As she struggles to survive and find a way back home, she finds herself with a new mission: to teach the local alien denizens about humanity, armed with only the contents of her pockets.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Entry Added:Mon, Sep 24, 2018
Entry Modified:Wed, Feb 26, 2020
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