The Belfry WebComics Index

Laz Jones & the Mayfield Regulators

CID:25554 Subscriptions:27
Genres:Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Furry, Science Fiction
Description*: Laz Jones and the Mayfield Regulators is a slice of life sci-fi/fantasy dramedy. In a world where technology and magic meet, a reluctant psionic works with his friends to keep their town safe from ancient elven war robots.

Note: this comic is set in the universe of Anaria and is created by Leah Brierie (aka Jayelle Anderson), the original author of Anaria comics.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Sun, Nov 3, 2019
Entry Modified:Sun, May 15, 2022
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