The Belfry WebComics Index

Caretaker, the

CID:25794 Subscriptions:4Readers this Week:1
Genres:Fantasy, Horror, Transformation
Description*:A young man named Simon, swamped in debt and owing big to a gang, is desperate for quick, large cash. Luck would find him one day in the form of a newspaper ad offering the high pay he needs.

"caretaker wanted for house of often away owner. $10,000 a month."

Simon, desperate, had accepted the job, meeting the strange owner with even stranger rules, finding out after arriving that the owner has "exotic pets" requiring special care. Simon will soon learn that the owner didn't mean lizards or snakes and that he should have rethought the news ads fine print:

* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
Entry Added:Sun, Mar 29, 2020
Entry Modified:Mon, May 15, 2023
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