The Belfry WebComics Index


CID:2587 Subscriptions:837Readers this Week:238
Genres:Anime, Drama, Fantasy, Furry, Romance
Description*:The story of a forbidden love between two people of different races: Trace, the human and Flora, the tiger-like Keidran. Can they survive without killing each other first? - Czech translation
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
V Graphic Violence
People who read this, also tend to read these:
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Higher percentages are more closely related.
Affiliations:Member of KeenSpot.
Entry Added:Sun, Feb 15, 2004
Entry Modified:Mon, Dec 13, 2021

Reviews: 7   Average Rating:

04:34am 06/10/2021
Dedication to an idea is rewarded
Over the last 17 years, TwoKinds has become one of the best comics in print.
01:02am 11/17/2020
One thing about Twokinds that ...
One thing about Twokinds that impresses me is that, having been first published when the artist/author was 16 years old, it has not been heavily ret-conned. Instead, Mr. Tom F. has incorporated early, adolescent, "written for a gag" ideas into the ongoing storyline. As a result, while the early strips are very roughtly drawn and not well-written, many of the writing that makes you wince in the first chapters makes you think, "Ah! Very good." in more recent episodes.

I began following my first webcomics in the 1990s. Yet, while I've been aware of this comic since it's first year, I've only recently gone back to read it from its rough beginning, and I'm very glad I did.

It has its faults. The storyline is often simple and the humor still occasionally falls flat. It took many strips for the artist to begin to refine his style, and hundreds more before it achieved a fantastically professional look.

I'm also a fan of El Goonish Shive and Schlock Mercenary, which also made the transition from teenage Saturday-afternoon passtimes to wonderfully refined projects. I'm glad to see that this now well-drawn, intricate story is now one of the most popular of webcomics.
09:35pm 06/30/2014
Respectable but I don't understand the hype...
Twokinds on numerous boards and rankings appeared as #1 most read comic. I decided to investigate and was really disappointed with the early comics. The art style looked rushed and the story felt forced. Even when the author introduced a secondary cast of characters they felt rushed and forgotten. However, this comic does excel in the relationships between characters of the main cast. When everything supernatural (and poorly thought out) is disregarded, Twokinds is a sweet tale of strangers becoming close friends or lovers. Failing as an adventure, Twokinds excels in shipping, and recent art quality, thus earning three stars.
01:04pm 09/24/2012
Goes from "not bad" to "freakin' awesome"
I'll admit that I had my doubts for the first few chapters of the story as I read through for the first time recently, but stick with it to the most recent comics. Trust me, this one's worth it. And no, not just for the scantily clad catgirls. XD

This comic greatly reflects its creator's development as an artist and writer over the course of time:

What starts out as a pretty decent furry fantasy comic with some interesting plot points, great screwball humor, and art that doesn't make you want to gouge your eyes out,
evolves over the course of the comic into a beautifully drawn epic with deep philosophical ventures and an intricate plot with multiple, beautifully paced threads... without loosing the demented humor and "95% innocent" fun its had from the start.
09:56pm 08/07/2011
The plot is interesting
The plot is surprising and intriguing. You can't stop reading when you have begun. The artwork is good from the beginning and it's getting better all the time.
09:45pm 02/28/2009
Weak start, but now engaging.
For the first couple years of this comic, the artwork was shaky, if cute, the plot was slow and sometimes unclear, and the characters sometimes a bit thin. But still, I liked it enough to keep reading. Probably because of how cute Flora is.

That was then.

Over time, the artwork has improved into a cleaner style, the plot has become much more engaging, and several of the characters have become people I actually care for and want to know more about. The Flora character is still a bit thin in personality to me, but Keith and Natani are really well developed characters, and I sense that Laura will prove interesting as well, once she gets more screen time.

The current story arc has actually been rather good, and I've been waiting for each new page with anticipation. I like this one.
08:38am 12/14/2008
some awkwardness, but the story makes up for it
It contains breasts, but no nipples. There are a few things that make it painful to read, but the story and the main characters are very well done. The world is set up well, and there is good progress being made, and enough interesting story points to make it worth reading twice at least.
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