The Belfry WebComics Index

Vulgar Vulgar

CID:25927 Subscriptions:3
Genres:Drama, Horror, Science Fiction
Description*:Faceless. Speechless. Human?

Dromie Lorenz has a problem. He can't share it; he can't express it. And it won't go away.

Two generations ago, Verticality assumed control over every life on Earth, modernising every brain to be fully connected to the world's technological landscape. Software exists for food, sleep and schooling. People identify each other using Infrared and voices are sent and received as signals. Gender is Nought or One. Life imitates Boole's Laws of Thought. And everyone's head is a square-based pyramid.

This is the world as Dromie's ancestor envisioned it, even if no one could have predicted the strange physical side-effects of tampering with evolution. The sex is weird and the dreams are weirder. But a drop of Chaos is about to fall. What is it? Dromie? His father? The kids that skip school and paint their heads? And? Or? Not? What is a drop to an ocean anyway?

Dromie Lorenz is human. What will it take for the world to believe him?
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
Entry Added:Fri, Jun 12, 2020
Entry Modified:Mon, Sep 4, 2023
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