The Belfry WebComics Index

Stories of Jack Salem

CID:26551 Subscriptions:23Readers this Week:17
Genres:Comedy, Fantasy, Furry, Gaming, Horror, Science Fiction
Description*:In the not far off future, one where America is divided and sentient animals live side by side with human beings. A future where the once majestic Lunar City of Ice is an open prison for Murderers, thieves, the impoverished and any one else society has deemed undesirable.

It is in this world the sable serial killer, Jack Salem, lives to terrorize the populace. The most Anti of Antiheroes.

For decades, Roz Gibson has been drawing comics and stories of the mass murdering mustelidae for publication. Now, Mr. Salem's adventures have brought him here. Beginning with the fist Salem story (Originally published in 1990 by MU Press)
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Sat, Oct 30, 2021
Entry Modified:Wed, Feb 5, 2025
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