The Belfry WebComics Index

Negative Exorcist

CID:26897 Subscriptions:1Readers this Week:1
Genres:Action-Adventure, Anime, Horror, Mystery or Noir
Description*:The world is filled with Evil spirits and humans with super abilities. Melanie Diaz is a 15 years old girl who has the ability to change spirits back to humans, joins the Exorcist Organization, a group of humans who fight evil spirits. Although, she joins the exorcist organization not just to fight spirits, but get rid of the darkness around her. Will she be able to survive the world of evil spirits and achieve her goals?
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:L Adult Language
V Graphic Violence
Affiliations:Member of Comic Genesis.
Entry Added:Fri, Jun 3, 2022
Entry Modified:Sat, Jun 4, 2022
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