The Belfry WebComics Index

My Bigger Boyfriend

CID:27241 Subscriptions:7Readers this Week:4
Genres:Comedy, Furry, Gay-Lesbian-TG, Romance, Science Fiction
Description*:"Pride ‍Possum ‍lives ‍a ‍pretty ‍simple ‍life, ‍making ‍a ‍modest ‍living ‍at ‍his ‍bartending job ‍and ‍helping ‍support ‍his ‍well-meaning ‍but ‍perpetually ‍out-of-work ‍boyfriend, ‍Ocean ‍Otter. ‍But ‍one ‍day, ‍a ‍freak ‍accident ‍transforms ‍Ocean ‍from ‍a ‍very ‍small, ‍clumsy ‍otter ‍to ‍a ‍very ‍big, ‍himbo ‍otter, ‍turning ‍Pride’s ‍life ‍upsidedown. ‍Now ‍they ‍both ‍need ‍to ‍get ‍adjusted ‍to ‍their ‍new, ‍much ‍bigger ‍lifestyle." (from website)

Webcomic by John Nunnemacher (aka Cooner).

Posted 2weeks early at Patreon.

Also posted at artist's Mastodon, Telegram, and FurAffinity.
FA folder: (FA login required to view MBB comics at FA)
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
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Entry Added:Mon, May 29, 2023
Entry Modified:Mon, May 29, 2023
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