The Belfry WebComics Index

Prickly City

CID:4154 Subscriptions:6
Genres:Comedy, Furry, Parody or Satire, Political, Syndicated
Description*:A small town in the American Southwest... everything in the desert is designed to prick you, wound you or eat you. What better metaphor for 21st century Earth? PRICKLY CITY is a comic strip about the friendship between Winslow, a coyote pup, and Carmen, a straight and narrow kind of kid. PRICKLY CITY offers a conservative perspective on political and social events within an ongoing storyline. As Carmen might say, "We may not be correct but we will always be right."
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Higher percentages are more closely related.
Strip is shown in Funny Pages.
Entry Added:Wed, Dec 22, 2004
Entry Modified:Thu, Nov 3, 2011
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