The Belfry WebComics Index

Girl Genius

CID:4828 Subscriptions:522Readers this Week:179
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Science Fiction
Description*:Studio Foglio's intricate Gaslamp Fantasy series opens with an especially bad day in the life of Agatha Clay, student and lab assistant at Transylvania Polygnostic University. Agatha has trouble concentrating and can't seem to build anything that actually works--but as the story unfolds we discover that there's far more to her than meets the eye. Giant steam-powered robots, fantastic airships and bizarre creatures populate this strange universe where the Industrial Revolution has escalated into an all-out war.

Updates Mon-Wed-Fri.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Wed, Mar 30, 2005
Entry Modified:Sun, Feb 17, 2019

Reviews: 3   Average Rating:

03:31am 03/28/2009
The plot resembles a Gordian Knot
There is no denying the fantastic state in which the artwork resides. Nor of the colorful and intricate characters that are very well designed.
The world is set up wonderfully and I enjoy it immensely.
Even the story is fascinating and has wonderful arcs.
However, the pace is screwed up, almost to disastrous effect. Many stories start to drag once you have flown through the archives and are reading them at the normal weekly pace. Reading through the GG archives feels like swimming with a parachute dragging behind you in the water. There are endless complications, very wordy pages, and the progress seems to trickle by in no particular hurry to ever get resolved.
There is not doubt that it stands head and shoulders above most of its peers, but I have trouble recommending it to anyone.
01:17am 09/21/2008
Extremely superior. Rivalled only by the Gods of webcomics, Shlock Mercinary, Penny Arcade etc.
02:28pm 07/09/2008
Steam-punk and MAD science!
Mad scientists in a steam-punk victorian setting, with a heroine as the lead character. The characters are fantastically realized. The art is just amazingly detailed, with cute touches for those paying attention. The comic updates regularly and on time. The story is intricate and involving. It leaves you wanting to know what comes next! The only thing I have to complain about is that I wish it were a Daily! (But I'm willing to wait. :) This one gets a perfect score from me.
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