The Belfry WebComics Index

Adventures of Dr. McNinja, the

CID:6349 Subscriptions:139Readers this Week:3
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Parody or Satire, Science Fiction, Superheroes
Description*:A Ninja Doctor! Curing disease and fighting evil clown corporate magnates! Dr. McNinja, it's not just a name!
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Wed, Nov 2, 2005
Entry Modified:Wed, Feb 1, 2017

Reviews: 3   Average Rating:

06:05am 05/14/2009
I love Dr. Mcninja, its strang...
I love Dr. Mcninja, its strange, quirky and unique. I find alot of the later stories to be hilarious. The earlier ones felt slightly cliche but as time went on it got better and better.
07:05am 12/27/2008
I agree that it is bizarre...
While the art is very well done, it was very difficult for me to enjoy. The comic attempts to be so over-the-top as to make you laugh at the absurdity. I however mostly just shook my head. I can understand a certain type of person liking this, I cannot get into this type of stupidity.
02:23pm 07/09/2008
A doctor for all your ninja needs.
This is... very bizarre and fun. It's all the best internet memes of pirates versus ninjas versus Dracula, thrown in a blender, and treated semi-seriously, but with a smirking grin. Very silly, but it makes me laugh frequently.
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