The Belfry WebComics Index

Ink Pen

CID:6428 Subscriptions:14Readers this Week:3
Genres:Action-Adventure, Drama, Science Fiction
Description*:Ink Pen: the insider's look at the seedy underbelly of cartoon character employment. Find out what happened to loveable Bixby the Rat! Witness the struggles of Ham Hock, the talking pig, as he tries to break into a business that sees him as nothing more than a slab of meat. Meet (briefly) the plucky sidekicks, thrust into danger by careless superheroes and the villains they duel.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Sat, Nov 12, 2005
Entry Modified:Wed, Jul 9, 2008
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