The Belfry WebComics Index

Sam the Black Knight

CID:8420 Subscriptions:53
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Furry
Description*:Comic has been moved to ComicFury..and restarted. Again.

This is a remake of my old Sam the Black Knight comic. It is about a college student named Sam that wakes up in the body of the immortal Black Knight in the fantasy land of Denada. This version is PG13 instead of NC17.

The comic has been discontinued by its creator.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
V Graphic Violence
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Entry Added:Sun, Aug 20, 2006
Entry Modified:Thu, Mar 2, 2023
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