The Belfry WebComics Index

Buck Godot: Zap Gun for Hire

CID:9243 Subscriptions:136Readers this Week:1
Genres:Action-Adventure, Comedy, Science Fiction
Description*:From the Creator of Girl Genius comes...


"'Always available, but never free.' Buck is a detective and all-around troubleshooter on the planet of New Hong Kong, where the only law is that there is no law."

A web comic reprint of Phil Foglio's Buck Godot orignaly printed in the early 1980's

"Buck Godot: zap gun for hire is a comic with a noir sensibility. Here you'll find hard-drinking detectives, prostitutes with hearts of gold, foul-mouthed alien bartenders and lots of gunfights. For this reason, we suggest that this comic be considered only for an audience of older teens and up.
Thank you!"
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
Flags:A Adult Situations
L Adult Language
N Nudity
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Entry Added:Wed, Jan 17, 2007
Entry Modified:Thu, Mar 31, 2022

Reviews: 1   Average Rating:

01:12am 04/08/2009
A book, with lots of amazing pictures...
can you say wordy? Not only is there a huge number of big voice bubbles, each mini-arc starts with a wall of text. Never mind that it is amusing and interesting, it is LONG! It is a shame because the characters and plot are excellent. The art is the same high quality of girl genius, and the frames in each comic are all sorts of odd triangles, parallelograms and other odd shapes. It goes well with the sci-fi theme. The aliens are quite unique and very well done. If only they told the story in half as many words, this could be a great comic. It should probably have an 'N' for nudity.
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