The Belfry WebComics Index


CID:9836 Subscriptions:16
Genres:Action-Adventure, Fantasy, Historical
Description*:About treachery, greed, corruption... and cybernectic dinosaurs.

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* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
People who read this, also tend to read these:
(41%) i Alien Circus A (35%) i Weapon, The ALV (33%) i Mystican Dreams V (32%) i TimePeeper AN (31%) i Vampire Phantasm ALV (28%) i Fury of the Venom Legion (28%) i *Arctic Blue LV (27%) i *Wandering Ones, The AV (27%) i La Muse ALNV (25%) i Roswell, Texas
Higher percentages are more closely related.
Entry Added:Sat, May 12, 2007
Entry Modified:Sat, May 18, 2013
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