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LinksList of WebComic Blogs Rabbit Valley, books & comics. Flayrah, furry news. VCL, adult furry art. FurBuy, classifieds and forums. WebcomicTweets, twittering artists. StoreEnvy Webcomics Market Archive Binge DonationsScrawlingsLeeMorrison: All well and good for them, I suppose...but what about US?! Don't our needs matter?? ROFLMAO. Fancy Festivus to the rest of us! TyVulpine: Merry....whatever you celebrate :) Lee M: Messy Kwyznuz, everybody. Georgie: Merry Kiss A Moose y'all! TyVulpine: Did it bite you, Georgie? Mind you, moose bites can be pretti nasti... Ravnali: Thanks Crossbow, I didn't check the on hiatus section! Georgie: No, the moose didn't bite Ty, but I did get flashed by a very happy nude deer. TyVulpine: Happy Nude Deer! (Now put some clothes on that deer!) Lee M: Happy 2025. Lee M: iSide Quested has resumed on schedule: now 3 days a week, M-W-F. James7344: Somebody hacked Ten Earth Shattering blows. It's now malware Lee M: ^It's still up on Webtoon. URL Lee M: Site plug: "Welcome to the Webcomic Travelogue. Your guide to the wide world of webcomics! Here you’ll find comic reviews, curated collections and an advanced tag/search engine. Click around and explore!" Lee M: 2/2 If you don't see your favourite comic there feel free to submit it. URL Lee M: In the latest iChimeran Legends, introductions are made. Lee M: ^Well, judging by his expression, it might soon get a lot worse... Toccatta: I'm curious why you feel it's necessary to keep a running commentary of your favorite comics. Frankly, anyone that cares about those comics already knows, and anyone that doesn't... Well, do I really need to finish that sentence? Lee M: OK, I'm sorry if it seems like I've been monopolizing the scrawls, and I'll try to avoid doing so in future, but other comments have been really thin on the ground lately. Besides, somebody that doesn't may decide to take an interest anyway. warhawk: I'd disagree. I've found any number of interesting comics that have been mentioned in scrawls, there's a LOT of comics out there and a recommendation is at least worth a look-in if I haven't before. As long as it's not spam, yeah? Solomon memprys: Keep it up, Lee. James7344: I've never seen a quarter of these comics, and that includes the Classics. don't mind the occasional "check this out" You need to log in to post a scrawling. Legendi Click to View/Edit Info New! Newer Than 14 Days Mod Modified Recently * Reader's Favorites A Adult Situations L Adult Language N Nudity V Graphic Violence X Explicit (NC-17) |
The Belfry WebComics IndexComics ViewsHints & TipsNew comicsi Moon Is a Liver, The New! V
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