The Belfry WebComics Index


CID:22499 Subscriptions:12Readers this Week:1
Genres:Fantasy, Horror
Description*:Up in the mountains there’s a small town called Sunheim. It’s a peaceful town, with seemingly normal people…but underneath the surface, there are whispers about strange going-ons of both odd and supernatural nature. And there are frequent earthquakes, that seems to never hit the news or gets registered anywhere…

On the forest road one night, two boys are heading back home to Sunheim after partying in a neighbor town. An accident happens, and soon the small town’s old dark secret will get revealed to the youngsters involved…
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Tue, Jan 13, 2015
Entry Modified:Fri, Jan 4, 2019
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