The Belfry WebComics Index

No Rest for the Wicked

CID:3131 Subscriptions:54
Genres:Action-Adventure, Anime, Drama, Fantasy, Furry, Transformation
Description*:One day, the Moon up and disappeared; where it went, or why, none can say. Without its light to keep them in check at night, monsters and creatures of the dark run rampant throughout the land. But Princess November has much more pressing matters to worry about: she hasn't had a decent sleep in ages. With an arranged marriage on her back, she set off to find the moon and a good night's sleep. Joined by Puss in Boots and Little Red Riding Hood, she treks the land full of fairy tales, knights, kings and queens, and old cryptic woman, in hopes of finding the moon!

In English, Russian, German and Japanese.
* Descriptions are user submitted and might not express the views of the admins of this site, or of the comics creators themselves.
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Entry Added:Sat, Jul 24, 2004
Entry Modified:Mon, Feb 23, 2015
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